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Wednesday 8 August 2012

Friday 10th August 2012
Left Qld this morning and drove into the NT the weather was warm about 16deg.  We decided to camp the Wonarrah Bore (no 4 in the camp book) site for the night.
Saturday 11th August 2012
Very cold this morning so we got an early start and headed for Barkly Station for a loo stop and a coffee but the coffee was instant stuff so we took off for our next camp spot at the 41 Mile Bore site (no 7 in the camp book).
Sunday 12th August 2012
Kept heading toward Alice Springs today and stopped at Tennant Creek for fuel.  Not much doing there we were here last year so we drove to Taylor Creek for the night.
Monday 13th August 2012
Left Taylor Creek and passed through Aileron where there was a native art gallery.  In the paddock was a 8m high statue of a native woman with a child and a goanna on a stick.  A 10m high statue of a native man was on a hill in the distance.  After lunch we parked at Tropic of Capricorn Camp site.
Tuesday 14th August 2012
Finally drove into Alice Springs this morning the town is not a bit like I thought it would be.  The Todd River is just a dust bowl at the moment and the locals are preparing for the boat races and the pirate ship battles on the weekend.  The town is not very big but does have a Maca’s.  The main part of the town is situated between large rocky outcrops some as high as 50m which seems funny because if you drive a few Klms south the area is quite flat.  After shopping we drove to the Mt Polhill Rest Area on the way to Coober Pedy.  Head for SA tomorrow.
Wednesday 15th August 2012
We crossed the border into South Australia this morning.  Not much to see today so we stopped at the Tarcoonyinna Camp site in the afternoon.
Thursday 16th August 2012
Arrived in Coober Pedy at lunch time, very windy and dusty here.  The water here costs 20c for 30L not bad I suppose, we are used to getting it free but if they did not charge the miners would be taking it.  This place looks like a lot of ants’ nests covering hundreds of acres.  Apparently you can dig a hole and not have to fill it in.  Camped at the Hutchison Memorial Park camp site just outside Coober Pedy.
Friday 17th August 2012
Headed for Woomera this morning.  Woomera is where the (English) atom bomb was dropped and weapon and space rocket launching took place.  Very strong head wind all the way, we did not get out of 4th gear very often.  We camped at the Pimba Rest Area for the night.  Pimba was a campsite for the railway workers when the rail line was built to WA.

Saturday 18th August 2012
Into Port Augusta this morning to fuel up and restock the fridge.  Kimba was a nice camping spot so we headed there for the night.
Sunday 19th August 2012
Stayed in Kimba today so that we could have a rest, everything was shut except the small lGA store.
Monday 20th August 2012
Left Kimba this morning and headed for Minnipa where we stayed on the way over here.  On the way we passed through Wudinna where I took some photos of a large sculpture of a farmer with some sheep at his feet.

Tuesday 21st August 2012
Arrived in Ceduna in time for lunch and to do a bit of shopping.  After lunch we bought a new TV as the existing one had shat itself.  Fuelled up and headed in the direction of the SA and WA border.  We spent the night in the Cohen rest area.
Wednesday 22nd August 2012
Very strong head wind this morning so we will not make the border this morning, maybe tomorrow.  We will camp about 164k from the border at the 164k rest area.
Thursday 23rd August 2012
Back on track for the SA/WA border we still have a very strong head wind to cope with.  Last night it rained very heavily but the ground did not turn to mud.  Crossed the border and headed for the Baxter Camp site.
Friday 24th August  2012
Just travelling now camped at the Kumarl.
Saturday 25th August 2012
Arrived in Esperance this morning, beautiful weather, no wind.  We can’t camp here so we will do our business and drive to the Munglinup Camp site.
Sunday 26th August 2012
Visited Hopetoun this morning and attempted to drive the 17k to the camp area but the track was to rough.  I think the camp must be for 4 wheel drives without caravans.  We managed to park at the Kundip rest area.
Monday 27th August 2012
Pointed the car toward home thismorning but we will visit Albany and some of our friends in Kendenup where we used to live.

Cheers until next year when we take off again.

Sunday 17 June 2012


Monday 18th June 2012
Arrived in Cann (Cann River) this morning, the last town in Vic, then on to Eden in NSW. Sunshine at last and no rain. Eden is a large town that overlooks a large bay and a fishing boat harbour.  We took some photos and headed for Yellow Pinch Dam for the night.

Eden Bay Harbour NSW 2012
Tuesday 19th June 2012Today we travelled through Bega, Narooma, Dalmeny, Moraya, Waldron’s Swamp, Batemans Bay and Milton.  We spent the night in the Bodalla Park camping area.
Wednesday 20th June 2012
Left this morning and went up to Nowra and Berry we are staying at the Wirriwin rest area in the Kiama area tonight.
Thursday 21st June 2012
Drove up to Wollongong and Cronulla and on to Sydney to stay with Cathy tonight.
Friday 22nd June 2012
Left Cathy’s this morning and drove (in the pouring rain) to Katoomba, Lithgow, Bathurst (Mt Panorama) where we did a slow lap around the track.  Pam had never been around before.  We then drove to the Macquarie Woods camp site in the Victoria State forest.
Saturday 23rd June 2012
Stayed at the Macquarie Camp waiting for the road to dry out so that we could leave.
Sunday 24th June 2012
Managed to drive out this morning I made sure that we were the first to leave before the road was dug up.  We passed through Orange, Molong, Wellington and Dubbo and on to Terramungamine where we camped.
Monday 25th June 2012
Stayed at Terramungamine today.
Tuesday 26th June 2012
Off to Dubbo to do some shopping this morning then on to Dunedoo, Uarbry and Cassilis to camp tonight.
Wednesday 27th June 2012
Very overcast this morning but not so cold.  Drove to Merriwa, Scone, and Murrurundi then on to Wallabadah where we camped at the Quirindi Creek Park.  The park has some display boards outlining the landing of the first and second fleets to land in Australia.  The pink head stones have on them the names of the settlers and crew that came out in the first fleet.  The yellow head stones have on them the names of the settlers and crew that came out in the second fleet.  There is also a large wraparound sign board that contains the names of the convicts that were sent to Australia.  The sails represent the sails of a ship.

Wallabadah Quirindi Creek Park NSW 2012
Thursday 28th June 2012
Drove into Tamworth this morning, it has changed a lot since we were here in 1989.  We went to Manilla and had lunch and headed for Barraba Lions Park to camp.The road from Scone to Tamworth crosses some of the rugged ranges that we have crossed.  Some of the rock formations are hundreds of metres high.
Friday 29th June 2012
We are heading for the Qld boarder today and will pass through Bingara, Warialda, North Star, and Wearne in NSW and on to Goondiwindi in Qld.  I Qld we drove through Pittsworth.  After lunch we drove to the Millmerran camping ground (near Drayton) to spend the night.  Off to Anne’s tomorrow.
Saturday 30th June 2012
Arrived at Anne’s house this morning in time for lunch.  John took me out to the airport to see his plane.  We were shouted tea at the golf club for tea by John and Anne.  The caravan was not able to go up their drive so John let us park it in the car park of one of his offices and we slept there.
Sunday 1st July 2012
Went flying this morning while Pam and Anne went shopping and had coffee.  John cooked a BBQ lunch for us.  About 3pm we returned to the Millmerran camping park to spend the night.
Monday 2nd July 2012
Left Drayton to drive to Bowenville to camp at the Oakley Creek Reserve.  A very nice camping ground but very cold and windy.
Tuesday 3rd July 2012
Bloody cold this morning ice on the car and caravan.  Went up to Dalby and on to Kumbia to camp.  Kumbia is just outside Kingaroy the home of Joh Bjelke Petersen.

Wednesday 4th July 2012
Freezing cold again this morning but still went for my walk wearing beany and gloves.  We decided to head for the Kinbombi Falls camp site via Kingaroy, Murgon and Goomeri.  The Bjelke-Petersen Dam is a nice area for a picnic but no camping allowed only Caravan Park.  The Kinbombi Falls although not large but are worth stopping for a look.  The camp site is a lot higher than the river and it requires the decent of a lot of steps to view the falls.
Thursday 5TH July 2012
Stayed at the Kinbombi Falls today and did a bit of exploring.
Friday 6th July 2012
Nice weather this morning Decided to move up to the Claude Wharton Weir to spend the night.  On the way we passed through Kilkivan, Ban Ban Springs and Gayndah.
Saturday 7th July 2012
The locals come here on the weekends to go boating and water skiing so we headed for Mundubbera and Ceratodus rest area beside the Burnett River.  Nice toilets and BBQ areas here.
Sunday 8th July 2012
Stayed over today to do the washing we will probably move tomorrow.
Monday 9th July 2012
Moved to Wuruma Dam and camped beside the lake, a great spot. A pity that the banks of the weir are so uneven it is a great place to stay.  To get the caravan level I dug a trench on the right hand side and backed it into it
Tuesday 10th July 2012
Stayed at the Wuruma Dam today.
Photo Wuruma Dam Qld before sunrise 2012
Wednesday 11th July 2012
Have to travel through Bildela, Jambin, Rannes and Baralaba to get to the Neville Hewitt Weir camp site. Not a very good spot most people give it the thumbs up but it is a piddle little weir and very muddy.
Thursday 12th July 2012
Left for Duaringa this morning a day earlier than planned because of the mud.  There were 2 roads shown on the map to get there so we chose the shortest which turned out to be about 90K.  After about 30K of bitumen we struck gavel and a lot of mud.  The muddy road (track) was pretty hairy but the Toyota handled it pretty well.  The main worry was sliding of the track that now been reduced to about 2.4m wide.  Toward the end we were going through flood ways that very steep in and out, but with Pammy’s prayers we were ok.  When we were near the end I had to drive around a road block sign so I stopped to read it and it said road closed LOL.
Friday 13th July 2012
Stayed at the Duaringa today.
Saturday 14th July 2012Rain again today as we headed to Julies place in Gracemere.  Arrived about lunch time.
Sunday 15th July 2012
Still at Julies
Monday 16th July 2012
Still at Julies
Tuesday 17th July 2012
Still at Julies
Wednesday 18th July 2012
Still at Julies
Thursday 19th July 2012
Still at Julies
Friday 20th July 2012
Still at Julies
July 2012
Still at Julies
Sunday 22nd July 2012
Julie and Darryl took us out for breakfast in Rockhampton after which we drove to Duaringa to camp for the night.
Monday 23rd July 2012
Left Duaringa and headed for Sapphire this morning.  We travelled through Blackwater and Emerald on the way.  We plan on staying here for at least another day.
Tuesday 24th July 2012
Got up this morning to find a herd of cattle walking through the town.  The same thing this evening as they were on the way back to where they came from.  I think that Emerald is within the cattle station.
Wednesday 25th July 2012
This morning we drove to Rubyvale for a look around, it has not changed since we were there last year.  We had to go back through Sapphire to get to the main highway, when we arrived there were about a dozen horses grazing in the town.  We passed through Drummond on our way to the Redbank Park camp site alongside the Jordon River in Jericho where we camped last year.
Thursday 26th July 2012
Stayed bat the Redbank Park camp site alongside the Jordon River today we were lucky and got a good spot.  About 50 vans spent the night here last night
Friday 27th July 2012
Stayed at the Redbank Park camp site today.
Saturday 28th July 2012
On the way to Longreach this morning but we are planning 2 stops before we arrive there.  Parked at the Lloyd Jones Weir campsite 13k outside of Barcaldine
Sunday 29th July 2012
My camera has spat the dummy and refuses to take photos.  Stayed Lloyd Jones Weir campsite and did some washing today day.
Monday 30th July 2012
Decided to stay another day.
Tuesday 31st July 2012
Left the Lloyd Jones Weir campsite and drove up through Ilfracombe and on to Longreach this morning.  After shopping we parked at the Longreach Waterhole 4k outside Longreach.
Wednesday 1st July 2012
Stayed at Longreach today along with about 100 others.
Thursday 2nd August 2012
Drove to Winton for a look around and parked (free) at the rear of the Gregory hotel.
Friday 3nd August 2012
Had a walk around Winton and drove out to the musical fence, what a flop.  Left and headed to the North Fullarton River stopover.  On the way we passed through McKinlay where part of Crocodile Dundee was made.
Saturday 4th August 2012
On to Cloncurry today and to the Clem Walter camp at the Corella Dam about 68k from Cloncurry.  A bit of bad luck when we arrived the caravan slid of the gravel road and became stuck against a tree.  A couple of campers helped me get it free by pulling the tree sideways enough to back the caravan of.
Sunday 5th August 2012
Stayed at the Dam today it is a beautiful spot amongst the large rock formations.  Apparently there is a resident crock but I did not see it.

Monday 6th August 2012
Drove into Mt Isa to fuel up and to go grocery shopping, while we were there the instrument panel on the Prado lit up telling me that nothing was working although the engine, steering and the breaks were ok.  I drove around to the Toyota workshop to get them to take a look but they said that they were booked out and to come back on the 29th of August.  I rang the RAC and waited 3 hours for him but he was no good so I went to a local auto electrician.  After stuffing around his young bloke discovered a blown fuse LOL.  Parked tonight at a disused WW11 aerodrome on the Barkley Hwy.
Tuesday 7th August 2012
Arrived in Camooweal and parked next to the Georgina River which is just about dry.  There is still a lot of bird life here and it is very peaceful.
Wednesday 8th August 2012
Stayed another day next to the Georgina River.
Thursday 9th August 2012
Staying another day next to the Georgina River, we will be leaving tomorrow for the Northern Territory.

Saturday 14 April 2012


Western Australia
Thursday 5th April 2012
Left Narrogin this morning and headed down south.  We reached Borden early afternoon and camped in the towns travellers camping park (free of course).  Slept pretty well no trucks or trains but it was very cold during the night about 9 degrees.
Friday 6th April 2012
Moved on to Munglinup today on the way to Esperance.
Saturday 7th April 2012
Going to Esperance this morning it will probably be packed out but we will only be going to fuel up and head for the Nullarbor.  Arrived in Esperance (along with about 1 million others) in time for smoko and indulged in a Maca’s coffee.  We decided to move on and come back another day.  On the way to Norseman we came across Bromus Dam (an old dam in the bush) and decided to stay the night.
Sunday 8th April 2012
Going to Norseman this morning to have my stitches out and to fuel up.  On the way east along the Eyre highway we saw a sign to Newman Rock so we drove in and discovered a large rocky outcrop with a hollow section forming a small pond.  Tess hated the March flies but we decided to stay for 2 days.
Monday 9th April 2012
Still here.
Tuesday 10th April 2012
Left Newman Rock this morning and headed East.  There is a good parking spot at Moodini Bluff 20K east of Madura so we set up camp there.  Nothing here just bush, no march flies.

South Australia

Wednesday 11th April 2012
Not much happing today just site seeing in the Nullarbor National Marine Park SA.  We have been here before but we found some new tracks leading to the cliffs on the Bight. See photos.  Camped for the night 20K West of Nullarbor road house.

Thursday 12th April 2012
Just travelled today and camped near Penong, not many flies.
Friday 13th April 2012
Drove to Ceduna and went shopping.  Not much has changed here still a pretty clean town.  Minnipa has an Apex park for overnight camping so we headed there for the night.
Saturday 14th April 2012
Headed out from Minnipa to from Tcharkuldu Rock about 3k from the camping ground.  A lot of history here, the rock is used as a catchment to gather water (as a runoff) that is guided into water ducts and ends up in a large concrete tank.  In the early days the water was part of the towns water supply.  The local Apex group maintain the camping grounds and ask for a gold coin donation.
Sunday 15th April 2012
Still at Tcharkuldu Rock.
Monday 16th April 2012
Today is a traveling day we are heading to Kimba to stay in the Lions Park in the town.  Kimba is noted for the large cocky outside the gem and souvenir shop.  The lions and lionesses have done an excellent job around the town.  The coffee at the takeaway is excellent.
Tuesday 17th April 2012
This morning we had a look around Port Augusta and did a bit of shopping.  Maca’s for coffee.  The trip to Quinare where we planned to camp took us through Port Germein, then past Port Pirie to Crystal brook.
Wednesday 18th April
Left Quinare this morning and drove down to Port Parham (on the coast) through Yacka, Clare, Aubury and Port Wakefield. Port Parham is on the coast and has 2 tides a day; the water goes out about a kilometre.  This afternoon some kids got caught on the beach in their car and the water rose up the doors.  I tried to pull it out but it was too stuck in the mud.

Thursday 19th April 2012
Staying here another day. The father of the boy who bogged his car burnt out his clutch trying to pull the boys car out of the ocean.
Friday 20th April 2012
Port Parham is a lot like Lancelin was in the old days.  Moved on today and headed down the coast of SA to the Frank Potts Reserve in Langhorne Creek.  The trip on some of Australia’s worst roads was through Elizabeth, Port Adelaide, Semaphore, Glenelg, Mt Barker, and Strathalbyn.
Saturday 21st April 2012
Stayed in Longhorn Creek today.
Sunday 22nd April 2012
Went sightseeing today down to Cape Jervis, (cold and wet) which is about the lowest point of SA.  On leaving Longhorn Creek we headed for Strathalbyn and on to Victor Harbor.  Victor Harbor is an extraordinary place with fantastic views as can be seen in the photos.  The hills surrounding it are approx. 400metres above sea level and you have to descend a very steep hill to get down to the town.  Cape Jervis is also at the bottom of the high hill.  Kangaroo Island can be viewed from the top of the hill.  There is a ferry that goes across to the Island from Cape Jervis.  After lunch we drove to Norton Bay on to Rapid Bay over Mt Compass to Strathalbyn and back to Longhorn Creek to spend the night. (Great coffee in Longhorn).
 Victor Harbor
Victor Harbor
 Cape Jervis
 Cape Jervis
Cape Jervis
Monday 23rd April 2012
This morning we drove to the Murray River and crossed over on the ferry at Wellington so that we could get to Lake Alexandrina.  Lake Alexandrina is at the mouth of the Murray River.  Once around the other side we had to catch another ferry to cross Lake Albert where the two lakes meet at Narrung.  There is a free campsite at Narrung alongside Lake Alexandrina where we will camp.
Murray River ferry at Wellington
Lake Albert lighthouse at Narrung SA the only land lighthouse in Australia
Tuesday 24th April 2012
Still at Lake Alexandrina, very windy and raining a lot.
Lake Alexandra SA ferry crossing
Wednesday 25th April 2012
Moved on this morning to go to Kingston SE (I think that the SE stands for south east) to get there we had to circumnavigate Lake Albert (not quite as big as Lake Alexandrina) to Menigne and through the Coorong National Park.  Kingston SE has a free park in the centre of town on the beach. The road is shocking but the locals say New South Wales roads are worse.
Kingston SE jetty SA
Kingston lobster SA
Thursday 26th April 2012
Headed toward Mt Gambier along the coast of SA this morning.  On the way we called into the beachside resort of Robe.  The coastline of Robe is very rugged as can be seen in the photos.  There is not much sand here just a lot of rocks.  The new homes here are huge just like Geographe Bay in WA and the boats are the same, a rich man’s paradise.  The next town was Millicent.  We kept going and parked up in Tantanoola a small town just of the highway.
Robe SA - coast line
Robe SA - coast line 3
Tantanoola pub SA
Friday 27th April 2012
Finally got to Mt Gambier this morning, did some washing and had a quick look around we will be back in a couple of days for a better look.  Mount Shank an old disused volcano has a camp spot at the base so we drove up there to spend the night.
Saturday 28th April 2012
This morning I climbed to the top of the volcano to have a look.  Later we drove down to Port MacDonnell for a site see.  The port is a fishing and Crayfish village, very windy and the beach is covered with seaweed.  After looking around we drove to the Little Blue Lake, the Big Blue Lake is up the road in Mt Gambier.  In 1970 we took the kids to see the Big Blue Lake, they are old volcanos filled with water.
Mount Shank SA 
Mount Shank SA
Port MacDonnell SA
Port MacDonnell SA
Little Blue Lake SA
Sunday 29th April 2012
Left Little Blue Lake and drove to Mt Gambier and did some shopping, had a Maca’s and headed up the road.  We passed through Penola and drove out to the Bool Lagoon game sanctuary (a world heritage bird sanctuary) and up to Naracoorte.  13K outside is a small lake, Cockatoo Lake where we stayed the night
Monday 30th April 2012
Stayed at the lake today, I walked around the outside of it this morning.  The lake is about the same size as Lake Poorrarecup near Kendenup.
Cockatoo Lake SA
Cockatoo Lake SA
Tuesday 1st May 2012
Let the lake today and headed for Murray Bridge.  We did not get to Murray Bridge today so we stopped in Coomandook along the store for the night.
Wednesday 2nd May 2012
Made it to Murray Bridge this morning did some shopping and had a Maca’s.  This town is quite big and had  lack of free parking so we moved to Mannum and camped alongside the Murray river.
Thursday 3rd May 2012
Went sight seeing around Mannum today moving to morrow
  Mannum on the Murray River SA
Mannum on the Murray River SA
Friday 4th May 2012
Drove a few Klms this morning to Walker Flat a small town on the Murray River we plan to stay until Sunday.

Murray River Walker Flat SA
Murray River Walker Flat SA
Saturday 5th May 2012
Stayed at Walker Flat today.
Sunday 6th May 2012
Left Walker flat this morning and followed the Murray River through Nildottie, Swan Reach, Blanchetown, Morgan and Cadell to Waikerie where we parked in the bush alongside the river.
Monday 7th May 2012
Went to Berri and the camps were blocked off by the floods so we drove to Renmark and parked at Murtho Forest Landing by the Murray river(just outside the town).
Tuesday 8th May 2012
Stayed at Murtho Forest Landing for the day. 

Victoria 2012 

Wednesday 9th May 2012
Drove to Mildura for a look and then on to the camp at Horseshoe Bend at Merbein Common. 
Thursday10th May 2012
This morning we went back into Mildura to pick up some fresh water and get a Maca’s.  There being no free camping in Mildura we went out to the Psyche Pump camping ground.  The Psyche Pump is an old disused pumping station that was built to supply water to the irrigators.
Friday 11th May 2012
Stayed at the Psyche Pump camping ground today.
Murray River paddle house boat VIC
Saturday 12th May 2012
Left the Psyche Pump camping ground and drove up to Nyan sports ground where we stayed last year.

Sunday 13th May 2012
Stayed at the Nyan sports ground today.
Monday 14th May 2012
Moved on from Nyan sports ground to Swan Hill, Kerang, Cohuna to Gunbower Creek near Koondrook that flows into the Murray VIC.  We plan to stay a few days.
Tuesday 15th May 2012
Stayed at the Gunbower Creek campsite today.
Wednesday 16th May 2012
Stayed at the Gunbower Creek campsite today.
Thursday 17th May 2012
Went into Koondrook for a look this morning before travelling to Cohuna and on to Echuca.  Just outside Echuca is a camping spot, Christies Beach camp on the Murray River so we headed there.
Murrary River Christies Beach camp Echuca VIC
Friday 18th May 5012
Stayed at the Christies Beach camp.  This morning we went into Echuca for a look around, it is quite a large town.  The Echuca port is like a small village with a couple of wineries, a blacksmiths, a small sawmill and various stalls.  The hire paddle steamers and charter house boats also leave from here.  Maca’s are here as well.

Murrary River Echuca Port VIC
Saturday 19th May 2012
Left for Barmah Lakes this morning and passed through Nathala on the way.  The lake has a lot of ugly Murray River cod in it.

Sunday 20th May 2012
Stayed at the Barmah Lakes today, nice weather.
Monday 21st May 2012
Bloody cold last night -1 degrees at 6am.  Travelled up to Strathmerton, Corowa and Yarrawonga today.  The big lake at Yarrawonga, lake Mulwale is about 2k across and is crossed on a bridge that opens so that boats can pass under it.  Some of the houses along the edge are monstrous.  After lunch we went to the Green Brook camp site alongside the Murray river.
Tuesday 22nd May 2012
Stayed put today. 


Wednesday 23rd May 2012
Moved from Green Brook VIC this morning and crossed over Lake Mulwala into NSW.  We drove up through Corowa to Howlong and camped in the Lions Park alongside the Murray River.  The river at this point is much drained and looks disgraceful considering that a lot of rain has fallen up stream.
Thursday 24th May 2012
Stayed here today.
Friday 25th May 2012
Poured down rain last night and caused a bi of slush around the caravan so we moved on.  We left Howlong and headed for Albury (NSW), quite a large town it had a Kmart (say no more) we then drove to Wodonga VIC) and on to Tallangatta to camp at the Pigs Point Reserve.  Still raining. 


Saturday 26th May 2012
Took to the road again and drove through Kiewa, Dederang, Rose White, Oyens, Mt Buffalo national park we could not go to the top of the mountain because we had a dog. After Mt Buffalo we drove to Myrtleford, Everton to Oxley and parked in the roadside camp there.
Sunday 27th May 2012
This morning we visited Glenrowan Ned Kelly country to have a sight see and bought Pam a drovers hat.  We then drove to Benalla and on to Lima and camped in the Strathbogie Ranges at a campsite known as Black Charlie Creek.  A beautiful spot but down to 0deg in the mornings till the sun comes out.
Monday 28th May 2012
Stayed put today.
Tuesday 29th May 2012
Had to get on the road again headed for Merton and to Alexandra campsite at the Brookes River Reserve.
Wednesday 30th May 2012
Stayed put today.
Thursday 31st May 2012
Travelled through Yea and had to stay in roadside rest stop just outside Seymour
Friday 1st June 2012
Went through Heathcote, Mia Mia, Kyneton and Dayles Ford to Creswick and camped in the forest at Salty Creek.
Saturday 2nd June 2012
Drove to Ballarat not a bad town quite large down to Beauford and on to Green Hill Lake near Ararat.
Sunday 3rd June 2012
Still at Green Hill Lake near Ararat this morning, cold and wet.
Monday 4th June 2012
Drove into Ararat for a look around and a Maca’s.  After Coffee we headed for Hamilton where we will be camping at the Wannon Falls.  The falls are very small.
Tuesday 5th June 2012
On our way back to Hamilton to do some shopping we called into Hamilton Nigretta Falls for a look, a very clean picnic area provided by Parks Vic the water falls come out of the rocks.  After shopping and a Maca's we headed to Heywood and Portland to the Annya State Forest to camp for the night.
Wednesday 6th June 2012
Stayed put today
Thursday 7th June 5012
Went to Portland this morning, quite a big place with a large shipping port.  After coffee we drove to the Mt Clay camping ground in the state forest just outside Portland where we camped for the night.
Friday 8th June 2012
Today we plan to visit Port Fairy and start driving up the Great Ocean Road to Warrnambool and Port Campbell.  The next stop will be Johanna Beach to camp in the Great Otway National Park.  Very windy and wet here but the dunes help protect us.  On the drive we stopped and photographed some of the very rugged coast line.  Much of the coast line here consist of sheer cliffs of eroded limestone, not very large beaches.  The London Bridge(not much left) was plane to see but the 11 Apostles (used to be 12) were hidden by the squally rain and not photographable.

Great Ocean Road London Bridge VIC 2012
Saturday 9th June 2012
Still at Johanna Beach this morning after a windy night.  The swirling wind has attracter some kiters.
Sunday 10th June 2012
Still at Johanna Beach.
Monday 11th June 2012
Left Johanna Beach and headed for the Great Ocean Road again.  We travelled through, Lorne, Torquay, Geelong, Bacchus March, Gisborne to Toolervale where we spent the night parked at the tennis courts.  The Great Ocean Road is very a very hairy road closely the coast and cut into the hillsides making it pretty dangerous, but worth it.
Tuesday 12th June 2012
Drove around the outside of Melbourne this morning up to Cranbourne, Koo Wee-Rup and on to Poowong.  At present we are camped at the Bass Valley camping ground.
Wednesday 13th June 2012
Stayed another day.
Thursday 14th June 2012
Moved on to Gormandale where we stay at the sports ground for the night.  On the way we drove through Korumburra, Leongatha, Morwell, and Traralgon and past the large Lay Yang power station in the Latrobe Valley.
Loy Yang power station Latrobe 3 VIC 2012
Friday 15th June 2012
After backing tracking to Traralgon we headed for Sale to have a look around and do some shopping.  Just outside of Sale is Lake Wellington a very large lake that empties into Lakes Entrance on the coast of Victoria.  The lake is about 2 Kilometres wide and lord knows how long, at the moment it is over the normal levels because of the floods.  There is a yacht club on the lake at Marlay Point where we camped. 
Lake Wellington 3 VIC 2012
Saturday 16th June 2012
Stayed at the lake today.
Sunday 17th June 2012
Left the lake this morning and followed the coast and the rivers to Paynesville and on to Lakes Entrance. The weather was awful, very windy and wet.  We then started following the Princes Highway again toward Orbost.  The big storm that the coast had suffered knocked down hundreds of trees on to the road (all the way to Eden NSW) but the road workers had the clean-up under control.  Spent the night near Bellbird Creek.  Head for NS in the morning.